Europe mp3 download
Easy Guitar Tabs Europe
The history of Europe began on 1979, when Joey Tempest makes a group named FORCE. Only one year after, Force records its first demo-tape. In that time, FORCE is formed by Joey Tempest on vocals, John Norum on guitar, Peter Olsson playing the bass and Tony Reno on drums. The demo-tape gets a negative response from the record companies. 1 year after, Peter decides to leave the group, and he is replaced by John Levén. In 1982, it comes the big step to the rock starship: they win a rock talent contest and they record their first Lp. At that moment they change the name and their rename to EUROPE.
Hard Rock Bands - The Final Countdown Album
In 1983 japan discovers the group. One year after Mich Michaeli is recluted to play keyboards, and the band releases their second album: "Wings Of Tomorrow". Europe conquers all Scandinavia and Japan, and Tony Reno leaves the group and is replaced by Ian Haugland. And it arrives 1986. The great year of EUROPE. They released the great number one of the band: THE FINAL CONTDOWN, they sell more than 6 millions of copys and more than 8 millions of the single contdown. They just have conquered the world. They tour all the world and John Norum is replaced by Kee Marcello when he decides to leave the band. In 1988 they release OUT OF THIS WORLD, and continue touring all over the world. 1991: Their new brand album PRISIONERS IN PARADISE don't have a good response of the company, who thinks that Europe is not a US group, and decide not to give support to the album. After that Joey decides to do a new album of greats hits, and makes EUROPE 1982-1992. Also, in 1992 Europe's disolve.

Rock bands - Europe
Europe mp3 download
Easy Guitar Tabs Europe
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